% | This data was extracted from the census bureau database found at % | http://www.census.gov/ftp/pub/DES/www/welcome.html % | Donor: Terran Lane and Ronny Kohavi % | Data Mining and Visualization % | Silicon Graphics. % | e-mail: terran@ecn.purdue.edu, ronnyk@sgi.com for questions. % | % | The data was split into train/test in approximately 2/3, 1/3 % | proportions using MineSet's MIndUtil mineset-to-mlc. % | % | Prediction task is to determine the income level for the person % | represented by the record. Incomes have been binned at the $50K % | level to present a binary classification problem, much like the % | original UCI/ADULT database. The goal field of this data, however, % | was drawn from the "total person income" field rather than the % | "adjusted gross income" and may, therefore, behave differently than the % | orginal ADULT goal field. % | % | More information detailing the meaning of the attributes can be % | found in http://www.bls.census.gov/cps/cpsmain.htm % | To make use of the data descriptions at this site, the following mappings % | to the Census Bureau's internal database column names will be needed: % | % | age AAGE % | class of worker ACLSWKR % | industry code ADTIND % | occupation code ADTOCC % | adjusted gross income AGI % | education AHGA % | wage per hour AHRSPAY % | enrolled in edu inst last wk AHSCOL % | marital status AMARITL % | major industry code AMJIND % | major occupation code AMJOCC % | mace ARACE % | hispanic Origin AREORGN % | sex ASEX % | member of a labor union AUNMEM % | reason for unemployment AUNTYPE % | full or part time employment stat AWKSTAT % | capital gains CAPGAIN % | capital losses CAPLOSS % | divdends from stocks DIVVAL % | federal income tax liability FEDTAX % | tax filer status FILESTAT % | region of previous residence GRINREG % | state of previous residence GRINST % | detailed household and family stat HHDFMX % | detailed household summary in household HHDREL % | instance weight MARSUPWT % | migration code-change in msa MIGMTR1 % | migration code-change in reg MIGMTR3 % | migration code-move within reg MIGMTR4 % | live in this house 1 year ago MIGSAME % | migration prev res in sunbelt MIGSUN % | num personsWorked for employer NOEMP % | family members under 18 PARENT % | total person earnings PEARNVAL % | country of birthfather PEFNTVTY % | country of birthmother PEMNTVTY % | country of birthself PENATVTY % | citizenship PRCITSHP % | total person income PTOTVAL % | own business or self employed SEOTR % | taxable income amount TAXINC % | fill inc questionnaire for veteran's admin VETQVA % | veterans benefits VETYN % | weeksWorked in year WKSWORK % | % | Basic statistics for this data set: % | % | Number of instances data = 199523 % | Duplicate or conflicting instances : 46716 % | Number of instances in test = 99762 % | Duplicate or conflicting instances : 20936 % | Class probabilities for income-projected.test file % | Probability for the label '- 50000' : 93.80% % | Probability for the label '50000+' : 6.20% % | Majority accuracy: 93.80% on value - 50000 % | Number of attributes = 40 (continuous : 7 nominal : 33) % | Information about .data file : % | 91 distinct values for attribute #0 (age) continuous % | 9 distinct values for attribute #1 (class of worker) nominal % | 52 distinct values for attribute #2 (detailed industry recode) nominal % | 47 distinct values for attribute #3 (detailed occupation recode) nominal % | 17 distinct values for attribute #4 (education) nominal % | 1240 distinct values for attribute #5 (wage per hour) continuous % | 3 distinct values for attribute #6 (enroll in edu inst last wk) nominal % | 7 distinct values for attribute #7 (marital stat) nominal % | 24 distinct values for attribute #8 (major industry code) nominal % | 15 distinct values for attribute #9 (major occupation code) nominal % | 5 distinct values for attribute #10 (race) nominal % | 10 distinct values for attribute #11 (hispanic origin) nominal % | 2 distinct values for attribute #12 (sex) nominal % | 3 distinct values for attribute #13 (member of a labor union) nominal % | 6 distinct values for attribute #14 (reason for unemployment) nominal % | 8 distinct values for attribute #15 (full or part time employment stat) nominal % | 132 distinct values for attribute #16 (capital gains) continuous % | 113 distinct values for attribute #17 (capital losses) continuous % | 1478 distinct values for attribute #18 (dividends from stocks) continuous % | 6 distinct values for attribute #19 (tax filer stat) nominal % | 6 distinct values for attribute #20 (region of previous residence) nominal % | 51 distinct values for attribute #21 (state of previous residence) nominal % | 38 distinct values for attribute #22 (detailed household and family stat) nominal % | 8 distinct values for attribute #23 (detailed household summary in household) nominal % | 10 distinct values for attribute #24 (migration code-change in msa) nominal % | 9 distinct values for attribute #25 (migration code-change in reg) nominal % | 10 distinct values for attribute #26 (migration code-move within reg) nominal % | 3 distinct values for attribute #27 (live in this house 1 year ago) nominal % | 4 distinct values for attribute #28 (migration prev res in sunbelt) nominal % | 7 distinct values for attribute #29 (num personsWorked for employer) continuous % | 5 distinct values for attribute #30 (family members under 18) nominal % | 43 distinct values for attribute #31 (country of birthfather) nominal % | 43 distinct values for attribute #32 (country of birthmother) nominal % | 43 distinct values for attribute #33 (country of birthself) nominal % | 5 distinct values for attribute #34 (citizenship) nominal % | 3 distinct values for attribute #35 (own business or self employed) nominal % | 3 distinct values for attribute #36 (fill inc questionnaire for veteran's admin) nominal % | 3 distinct values for attribute #37 (veterans benefits) nominal % | 53 distinct values for attribute #38 (weeksWorked in year) continuous % | 2 distinct values for attribute #39 (year) nominal % | % | % | Error rates: % | C4.5 : 4.8% % | C5.0 : 4.7% % | C5.0 rules : 4.7% % | C5.0 boosting : 4.6% % | Naive-Bayes : 23.2% % | % | % | All commas and periods were changed to spaces % | Colons were replaced withdashes. % | % | The instance weight indicates the number of people in the population % | that each record represents due to stratified sampling. % | To do real analysis and derive conclusions, this field must be used. % | This attribute should *not* be used in the classifiers, so it is % | set to "ignore" in this file. % | % - 50000, 50000+. % % age: continuous. % class of worker: Not_in_universe, FederalGovernment, LocalGovernment, NeverWorked, Private, Self-employed-incorporated, Self-employed-notIncorporated, StateGovernment, WithoutPay. % detailed industry recode: 0, 40, 44, 2, 43, 47, 48, 1, 11, 19, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 4, 42, 45, 5, 15, 16, 22, 29, 31, 50, 14, 17, 18, 28, 3, 30, 41, 46, 51, 12, 13, 21, 23, 26, 6, 7, 9, 49, 27, 8, 10, 20. % detailed occupation recode: 0, 12, 31, 44, 19, 32, 10, 23, 26, 28, 29, 42, 40, 34, 14, 36, 38, 2, 20, 25, 37, 41, 27, 24, 30, 43, 33, 16, 45, 17, 35, 22, 18, 39, 3, 15, 13, 46, 8, 21, 9, 4, 6, 5, 1, 11, 7. % education: Children, 7thand8thgrade, 9thgrade, 10thgrade, High school graduate, 11thgrade, 12thgrade no diploma, 5thor 6thgrade, Less than 1st grade, Bachelors degree(BA AB BS), 1st 2nd 3rd or 4thgrade, Some college but no degree, Masters degree(MA MS MEng MEd MSW MBA), Associates degree-occup /vocational, Associates degree-academic program, Doctorate degree(PhD EdD), Prof school degree (MD DDS DVM LLB JD). % wage per hour: continuous. % enroll in edu inst last wk: Not_in_universe, High school, College or university. % marital stat: Never married, Married-civilian spouse present, Married-spouse absent, Separated, Divorced, Widowed, Married-A F spouse present. % major industry code: Not_in_universe or children, Entertainment, Social services, Agriculture, Education, Public administration, Manufacturing-durable goods, Manufacturing-nondurable goods, Wholesale trade, Retail trade, Finance insurance and real estate, Private household services, Business and repair services, Personal services except private HH, Construction, Medical except hospital, Other professional services, Transportation, Utilities and sanitary services, Mining, Communications, Hospital services, Forestry and fisheries, Armed Forces. % major occupation code: Not_in_universe, Professional specialty, Other service, Farming forestry and fishing, Sales, Adm support including clerical, Protective services, Handlers equip cleaners etc , Precision production craft & repair, Technicians and related support, Machine operators assmblrs & inspctrs, Transportation and material moving, Executive admin and managerial, Private household services, Armed Forces. % race: White, Black, Other, Amer Indian Aleut or Eskimo, Asian or Pacific Islander. % hispanic origin: Mexican (Mexicano), Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, Central or SouthAmerican, All other, Other Spanish, Chicano, Cuban, Do not know, NA. % sex: Female, Male. % member of a labor union: Not_in_universe, No, Yes. % reason for unemployment: Not_in_universe, Re-entrant, Job loser - on layoff, New entrant, Job leaver, Other job loser. % full or part time employment stat: Children or Armed Forces, Full-time schedules, Unemployed part- time, Not in labor force, Unemployed full-time, PT for non-econ reasons usually FT, PT for econ reasons usually PT, PT for econ reasons usually FT. % capital gains: continuous. % capital losses: continuous. % dividends from stocks: continuous. % tax filer stat: Nonfiler, Joint one under 65 & one 65+, Joint bothunder 65, Single, Head of household, Joint both65+. % region of previous residence: Not_in_universe, South, Northeast, West, Midwest, Abroad. % state of previous residence: Not_in_universe, Utah, Michigan, NorthCarolina, NorthDakota, Virginia, Vermont, Wyoming, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Abroad, Oregon, California, Iowa, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, SouthCarolina, Arizona, Indiana, Tennessee, Maine, Alaska, Ohio, Montana, Nebraska, Mississippi, District of Columbia, Minnesota, Illinois, Kentucky, Delaware, Colorado, Maryland, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Nevada, New York, Georgia, Oklahoma, New Mexico, SouthDakota, Missouri, Kansas, Connecticut, Louisiana, Alabama, Massachusetts, Idaho, New Jersey. % detailed household and family stat: Child <18 never marr not in subfamily, Other Rel <18 never marr child of subfamily RP, Other Rel <18 never marr not in subfamily, Grandchild <18 never marr child of subfamily RP, Grandchild <18 never marr not in subfamily, Secondary individual, In group quarters, Child under 18 of RP of unrel subfamily, RP of unrelated subfamily, Spouse of householder, Householder, Other Rel <18 never married RP of subfamily, Grandchild <18 never marr RP of subfamily, Child <18 never marr RP of subfamily, Child <18 ever marr not in subfamily, Other Rel <18 ever marr RP of subfamily, Child <18 ever marr RP of subfamily, Nonfamily householder, Child <18 spouse of subfamily RP, Other Rel <18 spouse of subfamily RP, Other Rel <18 ever marr not in subfamily, Grandchild <18 ever marr not in subfamily, Child 18+ never marr Not in a subfamily, Grandchild 18+ never marr not in subfamily, Child 18+ ever marr RP of subfamily, Other Rel 18+ never marr not in subfamily, Child 18+ never marr RP of subfamily, Other Rel 18+ ever marr RP of subfamily, Other Rel 18+ never marr RP of subfamily, Other Rel 18+ spouse of subfamily RP, Other Rel 18+ ever marr not in subfamily, Child 18+ ever marr Not in a subfamily, Grandchild 18+ ever marr not in subfamily, Child 18+ spouse of subfamily RP, Spouse of RP of unrelated subfamily, Grandchild 18+ ever marr RP of subfamily, Grandchild 18+ never marr RP of subfamily, Grandchild 18+ spouse of subfamily RP. % detailed household summary in household: Child under 18 never married, Other relative of householder, Nonrelative of householder, Spouse of householder, Householder, Child under 18 ever married, Group Quarters- Secondary individual, Child 18 or older. % | instance weight: ignore. % instance weight: continuous. % migration code-change in msa: Not_in_universe, Nonmover, MSA to MSA, NonMSA to nonMSA, MSA to nonMSA, NonMSA to MSA, Abroad to MSA, Not identifiable, Abroad to nonMSA. % migration code-change in reg: Not_in_universe, Nonmover, Same county, Different county same state, Different state same division, Abroad, Different region, Different division same region. % migration code-move within reg: Not_in_universe, Nonmover, Same county, Different county same state, Different state in West, Abroad, Different state in Midwest, Different state in South, Different state in Northeast. % live in this house 1 year ago: Not_in_universe under 1 year old, Yes, No. % migration prev res in sunbelt: Not_in_universe, Yes, No. % num personsWorked for employer: continuous. % family members under 18: Bothparents present, Neither parent present, Mother only present, Father only present, Not_in_universe. % country of birthfather: Mexico, United-States, Puerto-Rico, Dominican-Republic, Jamaica, Cuba, Portugal, Nicaragua, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Philippines, Canada, Columbia, El-Salvador, Japan, England, Trinadad&Tobago, Honduras, Germany, Taiwan, Outlying-U S (Guam USVI etc), India, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Cambodia, France, Laos, Haiti, SouthKorea, Iran, Greece, Italy, Poland, Thailand, Yugoslavia, Holand-Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, Hungary, Panama. % country of birthmother: India, Mexico, United-States, Puerto-Rico, Dominican-Republic, England, Honduras, Peru, Guatemala, Columbia, El-Salvador, Philippines, France, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Outlying-U S (Guam USVI etc), Jamaica, SouthKorea, China, Germany, Yugoslavia, Canada, Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, Ireland, Laos, Haiti, Portugal, Taiwan, Holand-Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Poland, Thailand, Trinadad&Tobago, Hungary, Panama, Hong Kong, Scotland, Iran. % country of birthself: United-States, Mexico, Puerto-Rico, Peru, Canada, SouthKorea, India, Japan, Haiti, El-Salvador, Dominican-Republic, Portugal, Columbia, England, Thailand, Cuba, Laos, Panama, China, Germany, Vietnam, Italy, Honduras, Outlying-U S (Guam USVI etc), Hungary, Philippines, Poland, Ecuador, Iran, Guatemala, Holand-Netherlands, Taiwan, Nicaragua, France, Jamaica, Scotland, Yugoslavia, Hong Kong, Trinadad&Tobago, Greece, Cambodia, Ireland. % citizenship: Native- Born in the United States, Foreign born- Not a citizen of U S , Native- Born in Puerto Rico or U S Outlying, Native- Born abroad of American Parent(s), Foreign born- U S citizen by naturalization. % own business or self employed: 0, 2, 1. % fill inc questionnaire for veteran's admin: Not_in_universe, Yes, No. % veterans benefits: 0, 2, 1. % weeksWorked in year: continuous. % year: 94, 95.